11 – A Serial Killer on Our Hands

“Go find your partner and let’s start over,” Morales said, and picked up a random file. He wondered what had brought out the Irish in Thea. It wasn’t necessarily bad.

He had wanted her to assert herself and maybe tonight she had. And possibly Ariel couldn’t handle it. Regardless, Thea had to watch her mouth in front of others. Words said in haste, in anger with others in earshot, could prove irreparable. If Thea was bent on self-destruction so be it, but Morales wouldn’t allow Ariel to go down with her.

When his two detectives returned, Morales decided to skip any foreplay and get right down to business. “Dampier, run down what we’ve got.” He looked at Thea for reaction, noted none, and relaxed. Ariel spoke for fifteen minutes, interrupted only by a few questions from Morales.

“So Silver thinks we might have a serial killer on our hands,” Morales said, when she had finished. “I tend to agree,” he added wearily. “We’ve got to make some progress and quickly, or hope this first kill has satisfied the killer for a few weeks, maybe a month.”

He saw them looking at him without comprehension. “Look, one killing, probably a runaway, no big thing. After the second, at best the third, it’ll be out of our hands. A task force will be formed. You’ll be part of it, what with your first-hand knowledge and all, but you’ll be gophers, doing the bidding of others. You want to run with this case, the brass has to see results.”

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